Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Seriously out of control!!!!!

I had to work today. Not that that's the end of the world as it was a relatively short day. I only had to work 9 AM to 5 PM compared to my normal 9 AM to 9 PM days.  I got a lot accomplished today archiving files, signing up new student's for the upcoming class starting Monday.  But I'll tell you what I was happy to get home this evening I was were tired girl. I somehow caught a case of insomnia last night and didn't fall sleep until well after 2 AM.  So getting up at 730 this morning was a very tough chore.    Upon right of arriving home this morning
Upon arriving home this evening I noticed a brown package sitting on my doorstep!  I was surprised and excited at the same time. But I couldn't remember ordering anything about all of my deliveries had already been delivered.  This is why I'm out of control and need crafters anonymous.  Who does that Seriously!  Place an order and forget that you ordered something.. I think I have a little bit of acute confusion which is just one step away from Alzheimer's. Shoot it mean I knew I was getting old but I didn't think I was getting not old.   The great news is although I may be losing my mind I have new crafty toys! So now I know you're salivating wondering what I got in this new shipment.   So here's a rundown of what I got : I got a set of Tim Holtz stampers anonymous visual artistry stamps, I got a set of stamps from unity stamp company (perfect for making those cards for my mom because they've got all sorts little Bible quotes on them), I got a new spellbinders shapeabilities spiral blossom that I wish came with directions on how to assemble it, a set of rock-a-block, and the cute little friends forever butterfly cling set.

I just had to chuckle the thought of forgetting a order that I placed is pretty funny. Considering I'm still feeling like I don't have enough crafty things.  I need to win the lottery that way I can build my dream craft room and finally be able to hit purchase on my Amazon and Joanne wish lists. I think that what would help most if I wasn't so completely and utterly obsessed with Tim Holtz as fabulous products.  He has an awesome class coming up that he's talking about on his blog it's his first ever online class and I wish I could do it.  Tim Holtz first online class it's looks so fun! I just checked his blog and I wasn't one of the winners for a free spot, not that I was surprised it is just my luck that I didn't win one of the spots. Oh well... maybe next time ;D   I guess I'll just have to drown my sorrows playing with all my new crafty toys.  The only thing I have to do for sure tonight is go to the store and get some shampoo because I am 100% out. And seeing as how I have to work tomorrow I do have to wash my hair in the morning.

More later.

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