Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Nails, cards and more...

Normally I don't go back and read past blogs but boy am I glad I did!!! It sounded more like the drunken ramblings of a crazy person than a proper blog entry! So I have spent my morning editing it. so why did I go back and read it you may ask? Well I wanted to add pics of my nails and flowers from yesterday and I couldn't remember if I had mentioned that Monday night I FINALLY put the huge Ikea 5x5 shelving unit.

Let's back up just a bit. I got this unit for free from a friend who was giving it away! I felt like I got the deal of the century. So I picked it up, brought it home, put it in the garage and there it sat for about 2 weeks waiting for me to get around to putting it together.I had every intention on putting this together and placing it in it's appointed place in my craft room the very night I got it but it was after 7 when I got home and I was tired. There was always one excuse or another of why "I" and by "I" what I really meant to say is why we didn't put it together. I thought for sure it was a two person job but I was wrong. My AMAZING Jack surprised me!!! When I got home from work about 2 and a half weeks ago there it was...all set up and sitting in the hallway waiting to be placed in the craft room.
He knew better than to try and move things around and get it in there without my help. Lord knows what would have happened had he done that! We had to shimmy past it every time we went down the hall to the bathroom, bedroom or craft room. You would think that would have prompted us to get it out of our way fast but alas  it didn't.... we made a date for the Friday after Turkey day to move the shelf into my room. Again the excuses and put offs flowed freely. We seriously had more excuses of why we didn't move it out of the hall, but it boils down to just being lazy on my part. So Monday night I decided enough was enough. I got off work at 4:30. Traffic was a beast so we didn't get home till about 5:15 or so and I announced to a hesitant Jack that tonight was the night the shelf was going in the room.  I cleared the wall free of the bins and other storage stuff I had where the shelf was going in about 10 min. We moved the shelf into place and I spent the next 4 or so hours re-organizing it still doesn't look like much but it's a work in progress.

So last night was pretty relaxed. After I got home from work about 8. Jack and I had dinner we caught up on our backlog of Dexter episodes during which I re-painted my ruined nails.I changed the colors slightly. Made the base coat a pearl white instead of an irradecent and chose a brighter pink with out sparkles so it stood out a little more. I like them better this way than with the original ones that I did yesterday. So I guess ruining them was meant to be other wise I would have just left them painted like that till they started chipping. I didn't get to any video making last night because I was having a party on Skype with some of the ladies that I met on MSR. I stayed up way too late but Gina, Maggie,and Marianna are too much fun! Even with all the giggling, laughing, chatting, singing, sighing. huffing and puffing about the card I was working not looking quite right... I got it done. Yay!! Look at me go! So now all I need to do is complete card 6 and decorate the box. If I keep up this pace I'll be done for New Years just yet!!!
Here is the card from last night. I think when I finish the 6th card and I decorate the box I will do a post featuring all the cards & box along with a description of each. Of course it sounds like a good idea now but when it comes time to do it the reality of it might not sound so good and the likelyhood of me doing it is not good. Like I aways say I have the best of intentions just unusally poor follow through. That should be my New Years resolution. Holy Crap!!! It's not even Christmas and I'm thinking New Years! Any way here is the 5th card. Like I said before if you would like material lists or instructions on how to creat the card let me know and I'll list it.
More later

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